Currently querying agents for Below the Sylvan Moon, a 116,000 word Fantasy novel. Set in a sprawling world of Elves, Andros, Dwarves, and other races of people, this story follows the journey of an Elf of mixed blood from his abusive childhood into early adulthood. This is the first book in a completed trilogy.
Scithanas is an illegitimate son born to the despised Heda Royal Concubine, and his best defense against racist aggression in the Elven Capital was to hide from his bullies. Saved by the King’s Champion during another assault, his life changes when the Champion and a disgraced High Mage choose to train his latent abilities in the magical Art. This draws the malevolent attention of the King’s Battle Mage, whose rabid xenophobia against his mother’s Heda people threatens the young Elf’s freedom and life. Scithanas is sent far from the Sylvan Capital to complete his education with the High Mage and a disbanded team of Rangers. An unforeseen change in plans divides his companions when they learn he has been accused of the High Mage’s murder. A Ranger, Longeye, takes him on a path through the Dwarven Kingdom to live amongst a tribe of nomadic humans far from the Sylvan Kingdom. While he acquires the skills necessary to join the Rangers’ order and control his magical Talent, he begins to question the ancient High Mage’s motives, learning that his Royal bloodlines make him a useful pawn in the greater schemes of Magi, Generals, and the Sylvan King’s inner circle.
All actions have unintended consequences, and Scithanas’ choices endanger not only himself but the safety of his mother and his mentors. Below the Sylvan Moon, from which the Ancient Elves came, the staid Sylvan Kingdom’s Capital is not prepared for his return and the changes that his presence creates.